
This is the homepage of Jakob E. Bardram. It does contain a blog but mainly provides some background about me, including descriptions of my research and teaching. My work takes place in the section for Digital Health at the Department of Health Technology at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). If you’re a DTU student and interested in doing an MSc Thesis with me, please consult my description of MSc. Thesis Projects. Also, if you’re a Ph.D. student, you may find some inspiration on my “The Art of Doing a PhD” page.

Right now my main focus is on creating and applying the Copenhagen Research Platform (CARP). CARP is a set of open-source software components for the creation of mobile and wearable technologies to be used in digital phenotyping research. I am mainly responsible for the CARP Mobile Sensing framework.

About me…

I am a professor in Digital Health at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Department of Health Technology (DTU Health Tech) where I am the Head of the Digital Health research section.

My background is in computer science and my research interests include Mobile, Wearable, and Ubiquitous Computing Technology, Mobile Sensing, Human-Computer Interaction, and Software Architecture. Currently, the main application areas of this research are within healthcare, ranging from interactive displays for clinical logistics to personal health technology for mental health. Check out my Google Scholar page for a list of publications, and see my list of projects and technologies for details of what I’ve been doing over the years.

I have been part of creating and running several research groups and centers over the years, including the Center for Pervasive Health at the University of Aarhus, the Pervasive Interaction Technology Laboratory (PIT Lab) at the IT University of Copenhagen, and the Copenhagen Center for Health Technology (CACHET).

Based on the research done in the MONARCA project, I co-founded Monsenso, which provides mHealth technology for mental disorders. Monsenso is now listed on Nasdaq First North (MONSO). Based on the research done in the iHospital project, I co-founded Cetrea developing pervasive computing technology for hospitals. Cetrea was acquired by the Geting Group in 2014. I also helped start up CLC Bio developing bioinformatics software, which was acquired by Qiagen in 2013.

I am a senior member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and member of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences (ATV). I am an associate editor of the ACM Proceedings on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable, and Ubiquitous Technologies (PACM IMWUT) and the ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare (ACM HEALTH). I have served on numerous program and organizing committees for both ACM and IEEE conferences and as an associate editor for the Journal of Human-Computer Interaction and the IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. I’m a member of the IEEE P1752 standardization group for Mobile Health Data.

I am the Technical Program co-chair of the ACM Ubicomp Conference in Helsinki and also part of organizing the IEEE EMBC 2025 conference in Copenhagen. In 2010 I hosted and co-organized the ACM Ubicomp Conference in Copenhagen and in 2012 the 4th ACM Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems. In 2012 I was awarded the Informatics Europe Curriculum Award for the ‘Pervasive Computing Curriculum’ that I’ve been developing and teaching both at the University of Aarhus and at the IT University of Copenhagen.


Technical University of Denmark

Department of Health Technology
Technical University of Denmark
Ørsteds Plads
Building 345C, room 216
2800 Lyngby ApS

Parsbergsvej 55
2830 Virum