Visiting the HCI Group at the University of Konstanz

Recently I had the pleasure to visit old friends at the Human-Computer Interaction Lab at the University of Konstanz. This was a really nice and relaxed visit, while also super busy. The first day I was the external thesis opponent on the PhD Thesis of Jens Müller. He did a really nice presentation of his work on co-located and distributed augmented reality, as presented in his CHI 2017 paper. The next day, we had a chance to go over the SmartAct Project and dig into some very technical details on how to collect sensor data from the Movisens sensor via BTLE. It was nice to study code rather seeing polished presentations.

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UBISS 2018

I was part of organizing the 9th International UBI PhD Summer School 2018 (UBISS 2018) in Oulu, Finland, June 4-9, 2018.

I was running Workshop B on Wearable and Mobile Health and Behaviour Tracking together with Denzil Ferreira.  This was a super nice experience and I enjoyed spending a week diving into technical details on sensing frameworks for mobile sensing, especially the AWARE Framework done by Denzil (while I did tell him that I did the original AWARE Architecture back in 2004 😉 ). Also, getting to know Timo Ojala (or “Timppa” ??) was really a pleasure.

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Keep surfing! My new website is online…

Windsurfing at El Medano in Tenerife –– the best feeling in the world...

I finally managed to move content from my old ITU homepage to this new WordPress-based homepage. I’m not sure I will add a lot of blogs or news here – after all, I don’t think people will read it anyway. But it may work as place for putting information on my research, in particular the projects that I am – and have been – involved in, as well as the technology I’ve been part of designing, implementing, and evaluating over the years. This is of course my version of the research done; on these pages I will focus on my work and contribution within the overall projects.

I will also provide information on my teaching, especially provide guidance on how to do a (successful) MSc. Thesis with me at DTU Compute.