Today, I was giving a talk on ” Human-Computer Interaction in Health Technology” for the Steno Diabetes Center in Copenhagen as part of their “Steno Rounds” series of talks.
In the talk (the slides can be downloaded from the link icon on the left), I discussed the role of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in general and can gave concrete examples from my research into Activity-Based Computing for Hospital Work and the Interactive Hospital project and its technologies.
One of the core messages is that most of my research (into HCI and HealthTech) follows the common research methodology, outlined below.
A second core message, is that HCI Practice is useful in all sorts of design situation – not only when designing user interfaces. For example, if Steno Diabetes Center wants to re-organize their use of “Sundhedsplatformen” or their use of technology for their diabetic users, a HCI process outlined below can be followed.