This page contains a list of project proposals/ideas for an MSc Thesis at DTU Health Tech with me as a supervisor. Before you look at these projects, please make sure that your academic background fits my profile by reading my page on how to do an MSc Thesis with me.
Most of the following student projects are tied to my current research in personal health technology, which takes place in the Section of Digital Health.
I regularly post my project proposal in the DTU Career Hub. Please check there for overall project ideas. However, note that we always define your specific project according to your skills and interests and the available empirical setting. Of course, you may have your own idea within the personal health space, and feel free to contact me to see if there is a match.
Currently, I have the following project proposals listed in the DTU Career Hub:
- Analyzing Activity Patterns in Bipolar Disorder using Sensor Data
- Validation Study of Cognitive Tests
- Correlation between Cognitive Performance and Physiological Measures
- mHealth Application for Parkinson’s Disease (note that his project has the wrong title in the DTU Career Hub)
- Mobile Health Application for Self-administered Evaluation of Neuropathy
- CAMPUSLIFE Health Survey Tool
- Gamification of ECG Annotations
- Mobile health application for registration of sit-to-stand movements in patients with brain injury
- Tongue–Palate Pressure Sensing Device to Study Swallowing
Note that if you choose to do a thesis based on my project proposals and work with a research project associated with DTU, you would most often need to sign a so-called “G Declaration” which handles “Confidentiality” and “Assignment of Rights to Software” to the Technical University of Denmark. Read more about IPR on the “Doing an MSc Thesis” page.