The other day I was giving a talk at the Danish hospital “Nordsjællands Hospital” as part of their research day.
I was trying to talk about the challenges that the Danish healthcare system is facing and how technology plays a role here. I also presented the new Department of Health Technology at the Technical University of Denmark, emphasising that health technology is both the “wet“, the “dry“, and the “digital“.

I was presenting examples from our research in CACHET, including the ECG monitoring system mCardia and our work on depression, and the Monsenso system.
My concluding slide (below) discussed what changes clinicians should expect from the changes in workflows, patient trajectories, and clinical work (diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation) based on the changes in the demographic setup in Denmark and the use of [personal] technologies. The slide is included below, and in my opinion, clinicians in Denmark and worldwide is facing significant changes within the next decade.

As usual the slides can be downloaded here…. Fell free to use them, but please remember to cite their origin, if you do.