Visiting the HCI Group at the University of Konstanz

Recently I had the pleasure to visit old friends at the Human-Computer Interaction Lab at the University of Konstanz. This was a really nice and relaxed visit, while also super busy. The first day I was the external thesis opponent on the PhD Thesis of Jens Müller. He did a really nice presentation of his work on co-located and distributed augmented reality, as presented in his CHI 2017 paper. The next day, we had a chance to go over the SmartAct Project and dig into some very technical details on how to collect sensor data from the Movisens sensor via BTLE. It was nice to study code rather seeing polished presentations.

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The MONARCA project was an EU FP7 STREP project (2010–14) involving 13 partners, including the IT University of Copenhagen and the Psychiatric Center Copenhagen (‘Rigshospitalet’) . The goal was to;

“…develop and validate solutions for multi-parametric, long term monitoring of behavioural and physiological information for bipolar disorder”

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