10+ Years of AI in Mental Health

The other day I gave a talk at the Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Advancing Patient Outcomes and Responsible Governance conference in Copenhagen. This conference was organized by the Danish Society of Engineers and the Danish Society for Healthcare Quality and enrolled a series of super interesting speakers who provided detailed insight into the state-of-the-art AI in Healthcare in Denmark.

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Two Major Trends in Digital Health

Today I was invited to give a presentation to the Danish health management organization “Region of Southern Denmark” as part of their strategy conference on digital health.

I used my old paper on “Pervasive healthcare as a scientific discipline” as an outset to discuss where I see healthcare is moving – based (of course) on our research into digital health at DTU Health Tech and CACHET. Here I identify seven major trends, which I still find to be relevant. These seven trends are shown on the slide below (click on the image to download the entire slide deck).

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[Personal] Health Technology – Research & Trends

The other day I was giving a talk at the Danish hospital “Nordsjællands Hospital” as part of their research day.

I was trying to talk about the challenges that the Danish healthcare system is facing and how technology plays a role here. I also presented the new Department of Health Technology at the Technical University of Denmark, emphasising that health technology is both the “wet“, the “dry“, and the “digital“.

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Visiting the HCI Group at the University of Konstanz

Recently I had the pleasure to visit old friends at the Human-Computer Interaction Lab at the University of Konstanz. This was a really nice and relaxed visit, while also super busy. The first day I was the external thesis opponent on the PhD Thesis of Jens Müller. He did a really nice presentation of his work on co-located and distributed augmented reality, as presented in his CHI 2017 paper. The next day, we had a chance to go over the SmartAct Project and dig into some very technical details on how to collect sensor data from the Movisens sensor via BTLE. It was nice to study code rather seeing polished presentations.

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Giving a talk at the new Center for Digital Health @ Lancaster University

I was visting my old friend and phd student Steven Houben the other day who invited me to connect up with the Ubicomp crew at Lancaster University — and in particular to meet Sumi Helal, who is now appointed Chair in Digital Health.

While being there, I gave a talk. The title, abstract, and slides are available here.

Title: Personal Health Technology — Opportunities and Examples

Abstract: In this talk I will provide an overview of the research done at the Copenhagen Center for Health Technology (CACHET). I will provide the background of this research, define what we mean by personal health technology and how this related to other types of health technology, and come with concrete examples from our different research projects. In particular, I will use my own research into the use of smartphones in the monitoring and treatment of mental health, as an example.