Teaching Digital Health at DTU
At DTU I teach the following courses currently:
You can find a repository with different code examples for these classes in my GitHub.
This small video was made on the Digital Health track on the Biomedical Engineering study line at DTU (in Danish).
MSc. Thesis @ DTU
If you’re a student at DTU looking for doing a MSc. Thesis with me, please consult my MSc. Thesis page and my list of MSc. Thesis project proposals before contacting me.
PhD Supervision & Teaching
I’ve collected my advice on “The Art of Doing a Phd” on this page.
I was been part of organising the 9th International UBI Summer School 2018 at the Center for Ubiquitous Computing at the University of Oulu.
Teaching History
Over the years, I’ve taught courses on:
- Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
- User Interface Software Technology (UIST)
- Pervasive, Ubiquitous, Mobile, and Wearable Computing (Ubicomp)
- Software Engineering and Software Architecture
- Introduction to Programming (OOP in Java, C#, Dart)
- Mobile Programming (Android, Flutter)
- Health Informatics
- Digital Health
In 2012 I was awarded the Informatics Europe Curriculum Award for the “Pervasive Computing Curriculum” [1] that I’ve been developing and teaching at the University of Aarhus and the IT University of Copenhagen.
title={The Pervasive, Embedded, and Mobile Computing Curriculum - Preparing Computer Science Students for the Technology of the Future},
author={Bardram, Jakob E.},
note={Informatics Europe Curriculum Award 2012},